Saturday, February 22, 2020

Strategic Management Unit 5 DB week two Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Strategic Management Unit 5 DB week two - Essay Example This made InBev, which is originally Brazilian, the largest beer maker. In 2007 the new company boasted $36.4 billion in net sales. The company became in charge of 300 independent brands once the two had sealed the deal. Although the company was bought out, Anheuser Busch was well involved in the new management as its director and CEO were given positions in management, which business wise was sure to give it longevity. The acquisition was majorly successful owing solely to the fact that InBev did their research into the weaknesses their target company had, painted a clear picture of how they could be faced with so many hurdles in the case that they turned out to be long term and this could result in bankruptcy (Ross, Westerfield, & Jordan 2006). $580 million is the stunning price that News Corp put on the table in its desire to purchase MySpace. The purchase proved to be fruitful up until 2008 when Facebook completely took over the networking world as the leading social site completely displacing MySpace (Ulijn 2010). The downward trend continued until the company sold MySpace off to Specific Media at $35 million, which was as good a deal as they would get. This acquisition failed solely because NewsCorp was a little rush in its purchase and did not fully consider the possibility of harsh competition and as such had little to no preparation for the

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Computer technology and the networked organization (Case) Essay

Computer technology and the networked organization (Case) - Essay Example Geographical area coverage of the business has a strong impact on the choice of network selection. Moreover, the computer networking structure classification depends on its physical topology (Bonaventure, 2011). In this paper, the focus has been rendered on the networking structure and the technologies suitable for a medium sized food store to run its business facing minimum communication hurdles. The choice of network structure and its link with the technology used plays a vital role to keep a track of the business progress, without much human intervention and distortion. Discussion Networking Architecture In today’s world, computer network system is not just an interconnected device. It is widely used to bridge the gap between the two ends of a communication channel, i.e. the communicator and the receiver. The choice of the network design depends on the business structure and its underlying intention. The network configurations used by organizations commonly include peer-to- peer or the client/server frameworks (Bakardjieva, n.d.). The peer-to-peer network is used when there are less than ten computers connected with each other in a workplace to share the files, word documents, printers, and access to internet within a small geographical area i.e. in a same floor. It has no server; hence, the computers connect with each other in the form of a workgroup to share files (Bakardjieva, n.d.).